Tuesday, July 24, 2007

A Poll

Who is stupider:

-Lindsay Lohan
-Jude Law for (allegedly) having sex with Lindsay Lohan

Frankly, gonna have to go with Jude Law on this one. He used to be the object of my undying affection, and now I think about his nether bits touching her nether bits and.... ew. Skank City.

Thursday, July 19, 2007

why we're friends.

me: extra extra, read all about it!
David: is there a news flash?
me: kate is the best!
David: that's old news!

Thursday, July 5, 2007

money, according to david.

David: speaking of boring, the endfest lineup is.
me: oh boo.
who cares.
i like social d and everything but how many times have they played seattle in the last 3 years? 8?
David: including a couple other endfests!
David: i think i will be saving my money again this year.
me: i know.
David: disappointing, cause i likes to spends my money!
me: i wish i didn't.
David: think of it this way: that's what money was made for.
me: what about saving?
David: that makes money sad.