Monday, December 31, 2007

Merry Christmas from your local ebay asshole.

Dear lovecat713,


- oasiswizard


Dear oasiswizard,

I am very sorry. I have been out of town for the holidays and have not had access to email. My mistake. I return home on January 1 and will pay as soon as I am back at my computer.

I hope you had a good Christmas, and Happy New Year to you.

- lovecat713


Dear lovecat713,

bla. but you did read you have 48 hours to pay on my auction when you bid right? do you know how to read???????????????????????

- oasiswizard


Dear oasiswizard,

I'm sorry. I must have missed that. Please just stop being so rude and leave me negative feedback so that I can do the same for you. You're an extremely nasty and completely uncompassionate seller and other buyers should be aware of this. As you can see from my feedback I am an extremely reliable buyer and this is an unusual situation for me.

Happy New Year.

- lovecat713


Dear oasiswizard,

Ha, just noticed you're in Jersey. Jersey attitude - go figure.

- lovecat713


Dear lovecat713,

go get your G.E.D.

- oasiswizard


Dear oasiswizard,

I graduated from George Washington University. You?

- lovecat713


Dear lovecat713,

muahahaha...what is that?one of those online universities lol. i got a mba from rutgers new brunswick,nj so this is whats gona happen. either you pay or i get my listing fee back from e bay and list the bag for 5 buks buy it now but i block you from bidding on my auctions. i really dont care this bag was free for me, u cant win sweety, sorry,happy new yr.
please don't write me back it will go into my garbage folder. :0

- oasiswizard


Dear oasiswizard,

I understand why you wouldn't have heard of GW - obviously you've never left New Jersey. That would make anyone bitter and angry.

I cannot pay until tomorrow. Please feel free to file an unpaid item complaint. It will give me a week to reply, and by then, I will have paid and you will have wasted your time and energy.

I am not liar enough to say I won't read any further messages you send. And you're way too confrontational not to read anything I send. You obviously have a very sad life and too much time on your hands. I will tell you, however, that I am a smarter and much bigger person than you, and you can hurl as many missives my way as you like, but I will not be replying to you again, because I have better things to do.

Best wishes, and have a happy new year. Getting drunk. Alone. In Jersey. Hahaha.

- lovecat713