Monday, December 31, 2007

Merry Christmas from your local ebay asshole.

Dear lovecat713,


- oasiswizard


Dear oasiswizard,

I am very sorry. I have been out of town for the holidays and have not had access to email. My mistake. I return home on January 1 and will pay as soon as I am back at my computer.

I hope you had a good Christmas, and Happy New Year to you.

- lovecat713


Dear lovecat713,

bla. but you did read you have 48 hours to pay on my auction when you bid right? do you know how to read???????????????????????

- oasiswizard


Dear oasiswizard,

I'm sorry. I must have missed that. Please just stop being so rude and leave me negative feedback so that I can do the same for you. You're an extremely nasty and completely uncompassionate seller and other buyers should be aware of this. As you can see from my feedback I am an extremely reliable buyer and this is an unusual situation for me.

Happy New Year.

- lovecat713


Dear oasiswizard,

Ha, just noticed you're in Jersey. Jersey attitude - go figure.

- lovecat713


Dear lovecat713,

go get your G.E.D.

- oasiswizard


Dear oasiswizard,

I graduated from George Washington University. You?

- lovecat713


Dear lovecat713,

muahahaha...what is that?one of those online universities lol. i got a mba from rutgers new brunswick,nj so this is whats gona happen. either you pay or i get my listing fee back from e bay and list the bag for 5 buks buy it now but i block you from bidding on my auctions. i really dont care this bag was free for me, u cant win sweety, sorry,happy new yr.
please don't write me back it will go into my garbage folder. :0

- oasiswizard


Dear oasiswizard,

I understand why you wouldn't have heard of GW - obviously you've never left New Jersey. That would make anyone bitter and angry.

I cannot pay until tomorrow. Please feel free to file an unpaid item complaint. It will give me a week to reply, and by then, I will have paid and you will have wasted your time and energy.

I am not liar enough to say I won't read any further messages you send. And you're way too confrontational not to read anything I send. You obviously have a very sad life and too much time on your hands. I will tell you, however, that I am a smarter and much bigger person than you, and you can hurl as many missives my way as you like, but I will not be replying to you again, because I have better things to do.

Best wishes, and have a happy new year. Getting drunk. Alone. In Jersey. Hahaha.

- lovecat713

Tuesday, July 24, 2007

A Poll

Who is stupider:

-Lindsay Lohan
-Jude Law for (allegedly) having sex with Lindsay Lohan

Frankly, gonna have to go with Jude Law on this one. He used to be the object of my undying affection, and now I think about his nether bits touching her nether bits and.... ew. Skank City.

Thursday, July 19, 2007

why we're friends.

me: extra extra, read all about it!
David: is there a news flash?
me: kate is the best!
David: that's old news!

Thursday, July 5, 2007

money, according to david.

David: speaking of boring, the endfest lineup is.
me: oh boo.
who cares.
i like social d and everything but how many times have they played seattle in the last 3 years? 8?
David: including a couple other endfests!
David: i think i will be saving my money again this year.
me: i know.
David: disappointing, cause i likes to spends my money!
me: i wish i didn't.
David: think of it this way: that's what money was made for.
me: what about saving?
David: that makes money sad.

Monday, June 18, 2007

i am feeling really glum today.

i really hate it here. the weather is terrible and the drivers are terrible and the everything-is-political attitude is terrible.

but i am stuck here unless i can find a way out. which requires money i don't have.

i feel like i am wasting my life. i don't want to be stuck in this hell hole forever.

pretty sure an east coaster stuck in washington state hell designed these.

Thursday, June 7, 2007

Thank God for global warming!

Otherwise I might still be wearing a winter coat in June!

Oh wait... I am.

Seattle, feel my hatred.

Tuesday, May 29, 2007

i'm forever blowing bubbles, pretty bubbles in the air...

green street hooligans = new favorite movie. i now want to move to london and join a football firm.

Monday, May 14, 2007

the meanie leanie

sometimes an email from an old friend who understands and loves you can change every single thing.

Thursday, May 10, 2007

feelings. nothing more than... feelings.

i have been feeling more like writing lately, which is great. however, i have also been praying before i go to sleep that i don't wake up. so i am thinking maybe my meds are not working again.

i am feeling like a major failure. i have nothing to show for the 29 years i have been alive. i know my family loves me, but they have to be disappointed. their eldest, who excelled in high school, was in the national honor society, received an award for an 880 score on the SATs in grade 7, won a partial scholarship to an amazing university... is now a receptionist trapped in a state she loathes, 2500 miles from home. i want to move back so badly in august, but right now it's not feasible financially, which depresses the hell out of me. unless some unknown uncle dies and leaves me a fortune, i am stuck here indefinitely, which ALONE is enough to make me pray that i go to sleep and don't wake up.

i want to go back to school even more than i want to move, but that is even LESS financially feasible. i am in debt and have squandered numerous chances to better myself and my circumstances, and now all i have left is regret.

i just don't see any point. i am getting older even as i type this. if i died of an aneurysm whilst i slept, what would it change? my company would find a new receptionist. will's parents would find a new tutor. my family and friends would grieve and move on. but i would not be leaving behind some great unfinished life, a project that is going to change the world, or a child who loves and needs me. i'd leave behind a boyfriend who won't seriously commit, a handful of friends, a messy apartment, debt, and a family i rarely see. my existence isn't changing the world. i am not making my environment a better place. i am living to live. and i just can't find the reasoning in that.

the depression of my past, the fits of uncontrollable crying, hitting myself in the head, clutching a razor on the bathtub's edge, it's all subsided to a numbness that scares me more than that agony ever did. at least then i felt. i wrote suicide notes to the people i thought would care, who deserved explanations. now, i can't even muster the motivation to plan a suicide. and no one deserves an explanation. if they knew me, if they cared, if they talked to me with any frequency or depth, they'd already understand.

i am so thoroughly unsatisfied with all i have not accomplished, all the world flying past me, that even bothering no longer seems worth it. people with something to live for die every single day. THEY have aneurysms, die in car wrecks, are hit by buses or murdered by muggers. i pray to die, i plead, i go to sleep with tears silently coursing down my cheeks, and then i wake up and face another shitty, uneventful day, passing the hours until i go through the ritual again. and it's useless. just like everything else i do.

i am now going to go drink a bottle of wine and wish i had a bottle of sleeping pills to go with it. but i don't, and unless someone leaves them mysteriously at my doorstep, i won't, because god knows i can't be bothered to go find them. or anything else.

Monday, April 30, 2007

one reason i love him.

got this text at 11:10AM:

Julian says:
Morning sweetums.

blondie says:
it's almost not even morning anymore, you lazy bastard.

Julian says:
True and true.

Thursday, April 12, 2007

just when i'm feeling a little glum....

the best thing in the world comes along.

and then an even better thing follows.

and hey, what the hell.

Reason # 342 I wish I was in DC.

I'd be going to war protests whenever possible.

If you know me, you know I am Libertarian and generally pretty politically silent. But Richard Gates' (of Hell) new 15-month deployment schedule has pushed me over the edge.

I could go to war protests here but if you have any sense at ALL you know that's useless. Bush doesn't give two shits if you protest in Seattle. If you want even a passing glance, you have to do it in his backyard.

And it still wouldn't do anything. But still.

Wednesday, April 4, 2007


"If they want to play politics, I will veto the bill!"

They're not "playing" politics, you imbecile! They want this war to be over! And if the troops suffer because of lack of funding, it's not the ones who have denied the funding who are to blame - it's the asshole who put the troops there in the first place!

I will write more on this later. This is the second day in a row Bush has caused me to start my day annoyed.

Wednesday, March 28, 2007

further evidence of my vampirism.

i just tried to give blood. you may remember i was refused last time due to low blood iron.

i immediately commenced taking iron supplements. this time my blood sank to the bottom of the blue liquid like a stone. HOORAY!

then they moved me to a table and... i wouldn't bleed.

out of the left arm came... nothing. not a drop of blood.

out of the right arm came a drip so slow that the blood taker declared it pointless and took the needle out. she then informed me that my veins are tiny and "roll-y".

i give up. i will just have to be satisfied with being an organ donor.

Helpless, Hopeless

Get the latest issue of Newsweek.

Flip to page 25.

And look at the faces of the dead smiling back at you.

Now stick a "Bring Our Troops Home" bumper sticker or a yellow ribbon magnet on your car. Protest the war by picketing at the Port of Tacoma. Bitch about Bush to your friends, in a blog, on the back of your car. They all accomplish the same thing.

Nothing. Nada. Zilch.

These are people's friends. Babies' fathers. Mother's sons. These are real people, with blood, bones, people who have wept, who have had their hearts broken, who have had the flu and nursed at their mothers' breasts, children who smiled with no front teeth, who got As and made their parents proud, who made their little brothers eat dirt and then made them laugh about it later. These are fathers, mothers, sisters, brothers, wives, husbands, sons, daughters. Think of someone you love in his or her 20s or 30s. Think of all he or she has done, all he or she has left to do.

Now imagine him or her gone. Struck down with so much time left. And so much time passed. And imagine you, left behind. There are lots of people you can blame, but nothing you can do.

There must be good going on there, right? It's not black and white - it's not the Americans saving the Jews or fighting an entire country that's against us. It's some gray, Vietnam area. Some area that's a little nauseating because we have no real prizes to show for it. Yet?

You can vote Democrat in 2008. You can vote Libertarian. You can feel good when someone finally puts an end to this war. And you should.

But their smiling faces in pictures will still be all that remains. For the 3000 that could be saved, 3000 will still be dead. THREE THOUSAND.

If you haven't thought about it before, look at page 25 next time you're in line at the grocery store.

You'll think about it.

Tuesday, March 27, 2007

oh, and with regard to the venting...

just in case anyone i know is reading this, i would like to clarify:

i am only talking about people who do not bother to say anything at all. yes, backing out at the last moment is sucky, but sometimes there are valid excuses for this, and if you call or text, that's totally understandable.

it's these a-holes that can't even be bothered with a last-minute text that i CANNOT understand.

i think i may be a vampire.

please take into account the following evidence:

1. garlic makes me violently ill when i ingest it.
2. i have terrible insomnia at night and find it much easier to sleep during the day.
3. if a cross shape touches my skin, it leaves a raw burn mark and i scream in pain.

okay, that last one is a lie. but the first two are true, and i think they are evidence enough.

Répondez s'il vous plaît

i am going to vent here. so stand back.

if there is one thing i do not understand, and will never understand, it is RSVPing "yes" to an invitation, not showing up, not calling or emailing or anything to SAY you're not showing up, and thinking this is a-okay.

i do not have ragers. i have small get togethers. when someone doesn't show up, i notice. i wonder where they are. and not to even BOTHER with an "i'm sorry, something came up at the last minute and i can't make it" - that is just undeniably, unarguably rude. i don't care who you are or where you come from. i don't care how well i know you or how old you are. i told my mother about this behavior and her reply was, "bad breeding." and it's true.

RSVPing serves a purpose. it allows the host to plan for food, beverages, alcohol, party favors, etc. when you say you're coming and then back out for no apparent reason - or at least GIVE no reason, leaving the host to assume there isn't any good reason - you are basically wasting the host's money and time. it's disrespectful and thoughtless and it annoys me to no end. i have actually ended up losing a "friend" over this situation in the past - she thought it was totally cool to promise me she was coming to a party, then not show up and act like i was being irrational for being annoyed.

i have no doubt that this stems in part to the complete lack of culpability and responsibility i have noticed in people my age and younger. and don't get me wrong, i am often guilty of this same lack, but not when it comes to manners and respecting other people's time, money, and effort.

"impolite" is too weak a word to describe this behavior. "rude" comes closer. what it really is is disrespectful. and i think it's bullshit.

Wednesday, March 21, 2007

as in the american revolution, england can go straight to hell.

keep your opinions on sexuality out of my church.

absolutely spot on.

generally i read the tshirt hell newsletter but don't post anything from it because it's usually so filled with foul language and disturbing/gruesome/disgusting imagery that the (sometimes valid) points in its articles are obliterated by stupidity.

this one, however, is different.


The 2008 Presidential election is well over a year away, but several candidates have already taken to the campaign trail. So far I know that the candidates include a woman, a half-black man with a history of Islam in his family, a Vietnam veteran, and a former New York City mayor who has been divorced. That is all I know about the major candidates. I know nothing about their policies, and that's exactly the way I like it.

But while I am glad to know so little about their political agendas, it upsets me that I don't know more about their personal lives. That's why I suggest that the media dig even deeper to find out what's truly important about all of these candidates. You know...the stuff that doesn't affect anyone else.

I mean, it's great that I know Hillary Clinton is a woman and her husband once got a blowjob from a chubby Jew, but is that all there is to her? I want to know absolutely everything about her as long as it is irrelevant to me. What size shoe does she wear? Does she eat oatmeal for breakfast? What brand of tampons does she use? For that matter, does she even menstruate anymore? The answers to all of these questions affect no one but Hillary (and maybe her dry cleaner) and, therefore, I care deeply about all of them.

The media has not been so lax in digging up Barack Obama's past. Well, you know...the important stuff. I wasn't talking about his voting record in the Senate or anything. No, I was talking about the fact that I now know he has Islamic roots and he has done cocaine. Again, good to know, but there's so much more that we don't need to know that I want to know. Was the cocaine any good? Did he snort it off a hooker's tits? These are all things that should be taken into consideration before we cast our votes next August. Or whenever the hell we vote.

And the Democrats aren't the only ones who should be subjected to such pointless speculation and conjecture. We all know that John McCain served in Vietnam and was a POW for an extended period of time, but what are the details of his imprisonment? Was he forced to drink his own urine? Did his captors allow Vietnamese children to put out cigarettes on his bare chest?
Just like a person's race, sex, and past drug use, these things should be considered before you decide if he's qualified to be president.

Come to think of it, we should just cut out all this campaigning and debating. All it does is waste time and money and give me what I call "think-wrinkles." From now on the candidates should just fill out a brief questionnaire and their answers will appear next to their names on the ballot. Age, gender, race, religion, marriage status, sexual preference, criminal records and military service are all a given. Beyond that, they'll have to answer the following questions.

What is your favorite color?

Stones or Beatles?

Have you ever given/received a donkey-punch?

Who was your favorite Darren on Bewitched?

If you were a tree, what kind of tree would you be? And would you miss masturbation?

That is all the information we need to know before choosing the leader of the free world. The candidates can take their foreign policies and health care plans and shove them up their collective ass. Only by voting according to these guidelines will we be able to call the presidential election a popularity contest without a hint of irony. And after all, what's more important than popularity? God knows our country isn't.

Thursday, March 15, 2007

i want.... an I Saw U

I have never gotten one.

Not once.

From anyone.

Well, that I am aware of.

For my birthday, I want an I Saw U.

Get to it, secret admirers.

Tuesday, March 13, 2007

zodiac? son of sam? pssht.

your writing skillz are mad weak, 70s killers. check out what the axeman of new orleans laid down:

Dated, "Hell, March 13, 1919," it said:

Esteemed Mortal:

They have never caught me and they never will. They have never seen me, for I am invisible, even as the ether that surrounds your earth. I am not a human being, but a spirit and a fell demon from the hottest hell. I am what you Orleanians and your foolish police call the Axeman.

When I see fit, I shall come again and claim other victims. I alone know who they shall be. I shall leave no clue except my bloody axe, besmeared with the blood and brains of him whom I have sent below to keep me company.

If you wish you may tell the police not to rile me. Of course I am a reasonable spirit. I take no offense at the way they have conducted their investigation in the past. In fact, they have been so utterly stupid as to amuse not only me but His Satanic Majesty, Francis Josef, etc. But tell them to beware. Let them not try to discover what I am, for it were better that they were never born than to incur the wrath of the Axeman. I don't think there is any need of such a warning, for I feel sure the police will always dodge me, as they have in the past. They are wise and know how to keep away from all harm.

Undoubtedly, you Orleanians think of me as a most horrible murderer, which I am, but I could be much worse if I wanted to. If I wished, I could pay a visit to your city every night. At will I could slay thousands of your best citizens, for I am in close relationship to the Angel of Death.

Now, to be exact, at 12:15 (earthly time) on next Tuesday night, I am going to visit New Orleans again. In my infinite mercy, I am going to make a proposition to you people. Here it is:

I am very fond of jazz music, and I swear by all the devils in the nether regions that every person shall be spared in whose home a jazz band is in full swing at the time I have mentioned. If everyone has a jazz band going, well, then, so much the better for you people. One thing is certain and that is that some of those people who do not jazz it on Tuesday night (if there be any) will get the axe.

Well, as I am cold and crave the warmth of my native Tartarus, and as it is about time that I leave your earthly home, I will cease my discourse. Hoping that thou wilt publish this, and that it may go well with thee, I have been, am and will be the worst spirit that ever existed either in fact or realm of fantasy.

The Axeman

Friday, March 9, 2007

MySpace jonesin'

Today, for the first time since my MySpace fast, I have been craving it. I am wondering if I have any friend requests, messages, or comments. I am wondering what is going on with other people's pictures and profiles. I want to read blogs of people who don't know I'm reading their blogs. Or maybe they do. I don't care. And I want to unblock my profile - it's private right now. Also I want to change my headline to a Ryan Adams' lyric - "I used to be sad, now I'm just bored with you." God how apropos.

I just have to keep reminding myself that prior to my departure, MySpace kinda sucked and nothing was going on anyhow. And I was looking at people's profiles from my past and torturing myself, and my God am I better off without that.

Julian, Danielle, Pete and I are going to Purple tonight.

Dude, does anyone besides Bri even read this thing? Thank God for Bri or I'd be completely cut off from other people reading my blogs and commenting. Attention! I crave attention! Look at me! Love me! Wow. That should be MySpace's slogan!

Thursday, March 8, 2007

fair warning.

if you pronounce the word "espresso" as "expresso" in my presence, i will likely slap you and possibly throw a hot beverage in your face.

we all have our things.

why i love dawn.

Dawn says:
Funny story which he will never let my live down- One time I was trying to show Paul that I had a strong stomach, I demonstated this by punching myself in the stomach (not intentially hard) and ended up knocking myself over

Dawn says:
Yes, I act retarded at times, but that makes life interesting for me

sweet holy jesus, it's about time.


madigan army medical center is the military hospital out here. when i was married, i used to go there. i was initially skeptical, but my ex-husband begged me, "just give it a chance." so i did.

after crying through a routine PAP test ("oops, sorry - i was scraping the wrong thing!" no. i am so not kidding.), i refused to go back for any women's health issue, and he did not argue. after waiting in line ten minutes to check in for an "urgent care" (i had strep) appointment and being told, "sorry, you're fifteen minutes late. we can't see you," i began avoiding madigan altogether. (and i mean, they told me to go home and call and make another appointment. i am really not joking.)

i wrote a letter to madigan to complain, and although the woman i spoke with was sympathetic, naturally nothing came of it. they're the military. they don't give a shit about their own soldiers, much less their soldier's spouses.

thank god for walter reed. that's about all i can say.

Wednesday, March 7, 2007

lazy bones, sittin' in the sun.

okay, there are three things i want to blog about but won't because i am too lazy.

so you'll just have to let this tide you over:

the cows are training to take over the world.

Friday, March 2, 2007

okay, creepy.

she died the same day i was born, but 42 years earlier.

Kate (Stiteler) McKie
Jul 29, 1856 - Mar 26, 1936

March 27, 1936
Mrs. Kate S. McKie, Philanthropist, Dies CORSICANA, Texas, March 26. - Mrs. Kate Stiteler McKie, about 80, widow of the late W. J. McKie, wealthy attorney and oilman, died at her home here Thursday night after a short illness. The funeral will be held from the First Baptist Church here Friday afternoon at 4 o'clock with burial in Oakwood Cemetery.

Mrs. McKie had resided here practically all of her life. She was active in Baptist circles and was a liberal contributor to various Baptist institutions. Baylor University of Waco has been the recipient of numerous generous sums.
Surviving are two sons, F. B. and Ben W. McKie, and a daughter, Miss Blanche McKie, all of Corsicana.

March 27, 1936
Finial Honors Paid To Mrs. Kate S. McKie Large delegation from Dallas, Fort Worth, Waco and other near-by points joined with hundreds of Corsicana residents to pay their final respects to Mrs. Kate Stiteler McKie, 79, religious worker, benefactor of many Baptist institutions and philanthropist, at funeral services held here Friday afternoon.The funeral services were conducted by Dr. Jeff Ray of Fort Worth and the Rev. E. T. Miller, pastor of the First Baptist Church of Corsicana.President Pat M. Neff of Baylor University headed the visiting groups.Mrs. McKie died early Thursday night after a shot illness. She is survived by two sons, and a daughter, all of Corsicana. She had been a resident of Corsicana more than sixty years and lived in the family residence more than fifty years.

Thursday, March 1, 2007

it has been a long time since i have been really obsessed with a band.

but i am obsessed, OBSESSED, with snow patrol.

i already liked them a lot. then we saw them live. and now i am in love. totally, completely in love.


Friday, February 23, 2007

Thursday, February 22, 2007

with regard to campaign mud-slinging...

The Geffen remarks bubbled up throughout the forum. One candidate, Gov. Bill Richardson of New Mexico, said Mr. Obama should denounce Mr. Geffen's remarks. "If we're going to win, we have to be positive," Mr. Richardson said. "I think these name-callings are not good."

You tell 'em, Governor Richardson! Stay away from the name-callings! Attack the grammar instead!

Tuesday, February 20, 2007

wow wow wow!

i read an article on reuters about how somehow sugar packets with hitler's image and jokes about the holocaust are making their way into restaurants in croatia. this is a big problem there because apparently croatia was a nazi sympathizer in wwii. (NOT to be confused with wii.) they are therefore trying to ferret out the source asap.

well, i became determined to see what one of these packets looks like. i would label my search as fruitless, except for the fact it turned up THIS.

no search that results in a website displaying nazi dictator cats could be called fruitless in any way.

also, found this. and am now terrified for my future.

Monday, February 19, 2007

i'm all twitchy and annoyed.

this morning i woke up and thought, god, i wish i was clean.

i mean, i wish there were a lake or a river or a pond or something where i could go and dip myself in and come out clean. free of my past and free of my sins and free of regret and free of memory. just start fresh with the people in my life that i love and who love me. dismiss all the things that have happened, purge myself of all the grudges and hurt feelings.

in my ideal world, when bad things transpired, time would heal the wounds and people would get over it. and nothing would ever be the same, but things would be calm and easy and without tension.

it's so hard to try and be good all the time. it's so hard to balance loving with being loved. there's always a loss on one side or the other and i either end up feeling selfish or hurt.

i adore those of you who are my friends now. especially those of you with whom i have disagreed, and then resolved things with. i love you most of all, because you won't let the hurt ruin the forever.

i started to cry for a minute there. but i'm saving that for thursday.

Tuesday, February 13, 2007

this is so disappointing that i am actually going to blog about it in two different places.

i don't know julian's work address. he works on microsoft campus SOMEWHERE, and microsoft is a giant place.

i had cait get his address from his friend (whom she is dating) and ordered flowers to be delivered to his office. BIG SURPRISE! he would never expect to get flowers from me on valentine's day, much less at his office. plus, to add to the surprise, i scheduled them to be delivered today.


the man who never ever stays home from work due to illness feels run down and has stayed home today.

it's perfect, really. my week has been kind of crappy so far, and i was really excited for him to the get the flowers. so it's only natural this should happen.

Monday, February 12, 2007

i am just gonna rename this blog "conversations with david"

kate says:

kate says:

kate says:

David says:
so we have another contender in the mix?

kate says:
no, but now they say they have a witness who says stern gave daniel the methadone and flushed the rest down the toilet!

David says:
what? isn't he a lawyer?

kate says:

David says:
a lawyer wouldn't do anything like that!

David says:
anything so.... devious!

kate says:

David says:
this is going to be a great tv movie.

David says:
if only there were some way to tie her to that whole astronaut thing.

kate says:

David says:
i mean, didn't they both go down in florida?

kate says:
yes indeedy!

David says:


"At Blanchet, students are expected to participate in a "virtual school day" today, said staff member Shirley Epton. That means they get their assignments online and turn in the homework Monday. Friday was to have been a freshmen retreat, which has been postponed.

Epton said absenteeism had increased each day this week. "If the numbers would have gone down, we wouldn't have canceled school." Ten teachers were also on the sick list, she said. "

by "staff worker", they better mean janitor. would have? jeeeezus.

you have GOT to be kidding me.


yes. you read correctly.

somehow, a kid died of the flu. and i guess a third of the kids in school called in sick with the flu. which, admittedly, is a lot. seattle school district's solution? SHUT DOWN SCHOOL! woohoo! let's go out and play - it's a flu day!

bear in mind these kids will already be in school through, like, mid-july because of snow, ice, and wind days. they just showed a girl on the news going back to school stating that she was "scared" because some kids were coughing last week and she was afraid people would come back to school before they were totally better. SHE IS SCARED OF GETTING THE FLU.

oh, also, they disinfected the entire school over the weekend.

it's not BIRD flu. it's not west nile virus. it's not tuburculosis.

it's fucking influenza. i have made it through it at least once nearly every single winter for the last 28 years. suck it up, for god's sake.

Friday, February 9, 2007

i am so lonely here.

i miss having weekly standing plans. the only one here who does that with me is david. i am tired of being sad and feeling alienated in this foreign land.

everyone needs a little michael o.

if you haven't already been properly introduced, go here.

and now, from michael, in memory of anna nicole smith:

Feb 9, 2007 7:19 AM
anna nicole smith was a pig
I'm going to miss anna nicle smith, she was such a pig, I remember her grabbing a pig before she become one and got fat and died yesterday.I'm going to miss that big fat pig anna smith.

shameless self-promotion.

my birthday is in a month and a half. and i'm not going to lie. i like presents.

this is not to say i EXPECT presents. but i do indeed like receiving them.

therefore, if you feel you MUST purchase me something, i have made it easy.;pgid=73ASY0Ya.8U000cmoI2ZC3AH0000Qb497iKv?View=View&ForeignScopeID=InnAqAq3TpgAAAEGR0kzUqcn

Thursday, February 8, 2007

girls night pictures are in!

and the results are.... SUCCESS. if that means getting incredibly wasted and hit on by numerous men.

poo on those of you who live in the area who couldn't be bothered to come. we had more fun without you anyhow.

Wednesday, February 7, 2007

and i'm proud to be an american, where at least i know i'm free (to look at child porn)

kitty kate says:
A global child pornography ring involving 2,361 suspects in 77 states has been smashed by Austrian police.

Officials said 607 of the suspects who paid for child porn on the internet were in the US, 466 in Germany, 114 in France and 23 in Austria.

kitty kate says:
um, good job US. way to impress the rest of the world, yet again.

David says:
U S A! U S A! we're always number one!

(full article HERE)

Thursday, February 1, 2007

i'm not pretty enough to pull off a bad haircut.

and sadly, that is what i have. and i don't think there is any way to fix it. so i am just crying.

Thursday, January 25, 2007

i hate people

hey, it's my animal self!

Sloth's Motto: Relax, Don't Do It

Morning Edition, January 25, 2007 · You can't get a leopard to change its spots. And apparently you can't get a sloth to be more lively, either. German scientists have given up after a three-year experiment aimed at motivating a sloth to climb up and down a pole. The sloth refused to budge, even when tempted with spaghetti.

Article Online

Tuesday, January 23, 2007

also, fyi, my birthday is in two short months!

My Wish List

This is my new blog.

I will post here now. MySpace is boring lately. Plus the less time I spend on there, the less likely I will be to look at people's profiles I shouldn't bother looking at. You can read all of my exciting adventures here now. And other shit that's probably not worth posting, but that I'll post anyhow.