Friday, February 23, 2007

Thursday, February 22, 2007

with regard to campaign mud-slinging...

The Geffen remarks bubbled up throughout the forum. One candidate, Gov. Bill Richardson of New Mexico, said Mr. Obama should denounce Mr. Geffen's remarks. "If we're going to win, we have to be positive," Mr. Richardson said. "I think these name-callings are not good."

You tell 'em, Governor Richardson! Stay away from the name-callings! Attack the grammar instead!

Tuesday, February 20, 2007

wow wow wow!

i read an article on reuters about how somehow sugar packets with hitler's image and jokes about the holocaust are making their way into restaurants in croatia. this is a big problem there because apparently croatia was a nazi sympathizer in wwii. (NOT to be confused with wii.) they are therefore trying to ferret out the source asap.

well, i became determined to see what one of these packets looks like. i would label my search as fruitless, except for the fact it turned up THIS.

no search that results in a website displaying nazi dictator cats could be called fruitless in any way.

also, found this. and am now terrified for my future.

Monday, February 19, 2007

i'm all twitchy and annoyed.

this morning i woke up and thought, god, i wish i was clean.

i mean, i wish there were a lake or a river or a pond or something where i could go and dip myself in and come out clean. free of my past and free of my sins and free of regret and free of memory. just start fresh with the people in my life that i love and who love me. dismiss all the things that have happened, purge myself of all the grudges and hurt feelings.

in my ideal world, when bad things transpired, time would heal the wounds and people would get over it. and nothing would ever be the same, but things would be calm and easy and without tension.

it's so hard to try and be good all the time. it's so hard to balance loving with being loved. there's always a loss on one side or the other and i either end up feeling selfish or hurt.

i adore those of you who are my friends now. especially those of you with whom i have disagreed, and then resolved things with. i love you most of all, because you won't let the hurt ruin the forever.

i started to cry for a minute there. but i'm saving that for thursday.

Tuesday, February 13, 2007

this is so disappointing that i am actually going to blog about it in two different places.

i don't know julian's work address. he works on microsoft campus SOMEWHERE, and microsoft is a giant place.

i had cait get his address from his friend (whom she is dating) and ordered flowers to be delivered to his office. BIG SURPRISE! he would never expect to get flowers from me on valentine's day, much less at his office. plus, to add to the surprise, i scheduled them to be delivered today.


the man who never ever stays home from work due to illness feels run down and has stayed home today.

it's perfect, really. my week has been kind of crappy so far, and i was really excited for him to the get the flowers. so it's only natural this should happen.

Monday, February 12, 2007

i am just gonna rename this blog "conversations with david"

kate says:

kate says:

kate says:

David says:
so we have another contender in the mix?

kate says:
no, but now they say they have a witness who says stern gave daniel the methadone and flushed the rest down the toilet!

David says:
what? isn't he a lawyer?

kate says:

David says:
a lawyer wouldn't do anything like that!

David says:
anything so.... devious!

kate says:

David says:
this is going to be a great tv movie.

David says:
if only there were some way to tie her to that whole astronaut thing.

kate says:

David says:
i mean, didn't they both go down in florida?

kate says:
yes indeedy!

David says:


"At Blanchet, students are expected to participate in a "virtual school day" today, said staff member Shirley Epton. That means they get their assignments online and turn in the homework Monday. Friday was to have been a freshmen retreat, which has been postponed.

Epton said absenteeism had increased each day this week. "If the numbers would have gone down, we wouldn't have canceled school." Ten teachers were also on the sick list, she said. "

by "staff worker", they better mean janitor. would have? jeeeezus.

you have GOT to be kidding me.


yes. you read correctly.

somehow, a kid died of the flu. and i guess a third of the kids in school called in sick with the flu. which, admittedly, is a lot. seattle school district's solution? SHUT DOWN SCHOOL! woohoo! let's go out and play - it's a flu day!

bear in mind these kids will already be in school through, like, mid-july because of snow, ice, and wind days. they just showed a girl on the news going back to school stating that she was "scared" because some kids were coughing last week and she was afraid people would come back to school before they were totally better. SHE IS SCARED OF GETTING THE FLU.

oh, also, they disinfected the entire school over the weekend.

it's not BIRD flu. it's not west nile virus. it's not tuburculosis.

it's fucking influenza. i have made it through it at least once nearly every single winter for the last 28 years. suck it up, for god's sake.

Friday, February 9, 2007

i am so lonely here.

i miss having weekly standing plans. the only one here who does that with me is david. i am tired of being sad and feeling alienated in this foreign land.

everyone needs a little michael o.

if you haven't already been properly introduced, go here.

and now, from michael, in memory of anna nicole smith:

Feb 9, 2007 7:19 AM
anna nicole smith was a pig
I'm going to miss anna nicle smith, she was such a pig, I remember her grabbing a pig before she become one and got fat and died yesterday.I'm going to miss that big fat pig anna smith.

shameless self-promotion.

my birthday is in a month and a half. and i'm not going to lie. i like presents.

this is not to say i EXPECT presents. but i do indeed like receiving them.

therefore, if you feel you MUST purchase me something, i have made it easy.;pgid=73ASY0Ya.8U000cmoI2ZC3AH0000Qb497iKv?View=View&ForeignScopeID=InnAqAq3TpgAAAEGR0kzUqcn

Thursday, February 8, 2007

girls night pictures are in!

and the results are.... SUCCESS. if that means getting incredibly wasted and hit on by numerous men.

poo on those of you who live in the area who couldn't be bothered to come. we had more fun without you anyhow.

Wednesday, February 7, 2007

and i'm proud to be an american, where at least i know i'm free (to look at child porn)

kitty kate says:
A global child pornography ring involving 2,361 suspects in 77 states has been smashed by Austrian police.

Officials said 607 of the suspects who paid for child porn on the internet were in the US, 466 in Germany, 114 in France and 23 in Austria.

kitty kate says:
um, good job US. way to impress the rest of the world, yet again.

David says:
U S A! U S A! we're always number one!

(full article HERE)

Thursday, February 1, 2007

i'm not pretty enough to pull off a bad haircut.

and sadly, that is what i have. and i don't think there is any way to fix it. so i am just crying.