Friday, May 30, 2008

I am so jealous.

I am so jealous of people who seem to have become famous simply for having blogs. I mean my sister just sent me a link to a video on Defamer, and it featured this girl Molly McAleer. All I can find out about her is that she has a blog. And it's a good blog. I mean, on the very first page she knocks someone for using the wrong version of "you're". That's my kind of blog.

And okay, so when I was young I wrote poems and short stories like a fucking fiend. I really thought I might become a writer one day. Then the Prozac kicked in, and now I am too busy to channel my depression into creativity.

But I could still write about my life, right? I mean, I am vaguely interesting and mildly amusing. Perhaps I too could achieve some small-scale fame through my blog. I am over MySpace - I almost can't believe now that I was ever under it - but hell, I still have funny anecdotes to relate! I still have amusing things to vent about! I still have four cats! That last one may or may not be pertinent.

So I am going to try to start blogging at a minimum every other day. Yeah, that's right. Watch out Molly McAleer. I may not have your mad blogging skillz yet, but just you wait. Just you motherfucking wait.

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